
Room 6 - Workshops 

15:00 - 16:00 


Workshop (60 min)

Part I: The Elephant in your Dataset: Addressing Bias in Machine Learning

As machine learning becomes increasingly accessible, it's more important than ever to recognize and address the biases that can infiltrate our datasets and models. Even subtle biases in AI systems can lead to significantly unfair and discriminatory outcomes if not properly addressed.

Machine Learning

This session is designed to not only raise awareness of harmful biases in machine learning, but also to equip attendees with practical tools to measure and mitigate them effectively. We will begin by exploring the origins and impacts of bias– tracing its roots from societal influences to manifestations in AI systems. Attendees will gain a deep understanding of the many forms of bias, how it shapes model outcomes, and why it is essential to address it early and often in the ML lifecycle.

In the second half, we will transition from theory to practice. Participants will engage in a hands-on session, working with a real-world dataset to measure and identify bias within it. We will explore various pre-processing methods to understand how decisions in this modeling stage can introduce or amplify bias, and learn how to apply techniques that mitigate these effects. By the end of both sessions, participants will not only have a wider understanding of the field of AI Fairness, but also walk away with the tools and knowledge to build more responsible and trustworthy machine learning systems.

Michelle Frost

Michelle Frost is the founder and principal consultant of Accountable Intelligence LLC, an agency dedicated to integrating responsible AI practices with a strong emphasis on governance and risk management. Additionally, Michelle is a Senior Developer at Crema, a design and technology consultancy based in Kansas City, MO.

With over a decade of engineering experience, Michelle holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from the University of Missouri at Kansas City and a Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence from Johns Hopkins University. As an established AI and Machine Learning specialist, Michelle is recognized as a thought leader in Responsible AI development. Her approach is grounded in creating AI that is fair, accountable, and transparent.

Michelle is also an active member of the Ethical AI Advisory Council for The Center for Practical Bioethics. When not behind the screen, she can be found tending to her garden with her 100 lb pup Wilbur by her side.